Hive Hosting

Superior Hive Hosting Options

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Is Hive Hosting for you?

Hive hosting is easy and fun with Hands On Beekeepers!!

Hands On Beekeepers provides the opportunity for you to Host Honey Bees and be a part of saving the bees!

* Do you want to join the national movement to protect the honey bee, but don't know how to get started?

* Have you ever wondered, what it's like to keep bees but don't have the expertise, equipment or time?

We have it all and can assist you in hosting a honey bee hive. Hive hosting lets you experience what it's like to keep bees without all the work and expense!

All you need to do is provide a bee safe location, free of pesticides and we'll provide the bees and everything they need. The bees and equipment remain ours but in return you'll reap the benefits of pollination without the training and hassle of opening a hive full of bees. 

What you get:


Two or more hives - of honey bees on your property

Busy bees - Bees working year round in your yard, pollinating your plants when they need it.

Honey - Three pounds of honey per year, per hive depending on how productive the hive has been. Honey generally delivered in the fall. Additional Quantities and options available for fee. 

Education - Informal educational opportunities from an experienced beekeeper and the 

satisfaction of observing honey bees in your own yard.

Kept bees - The bees will be serviced on a regular basis by an experienced beekeeper (about 10 or 12 times a year).

Emergency response - If needed, we'll be there to help. Don't worry, it does not happen often!

How does it work?

1. Site Visit - We'll come by and help you select the best location for your hive.

2. Bee Delivery - The bees will be delivered on an agreed upon date in late April or 

   early May. 

3. Give them something to drink - You will need to provide a nearby water source - a bird 

   bath, small pond, or anything similar is fine.

4. Enjoy - You can now spend endless hours watching your bees busily pollinating

   your garden!

2024 Pricing

*This service is entirely dependent upon our hive availability and might not be available at certain times of the year.

Pricing varies based upon your location and distance from our apiary, the number of beehives to be maintained, and whether or not you are a residential, farmer or commercial client.

Residential Client - $100 per month minimum. Prices are for two hives and varies depending on your location due to distance required to travel and gas mileage. 

Farmers - If you are interested in having beehives brought out to your crops only during bloom, we can bring our hives to you. We charge per hive, depending upon your location. Hands On Beekeepers keeps the honey produced during that time from your field. 


Commercial Client - $200 per month minimum. You must carry and provide a certificate of liability insurance with a cumulative amount of $2,000,000 for your business and businesses property, and it must include coverage for workers or customers who get stung by the bees. You also must maintain an EpiPen on -site at all times in the event that one of your owners, employees, or customers are stung who have an allergy to bees.

If you’re interested in Hive Hosting, please contact us with any questions or to get on our schedule at (757)-408-5201

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